Behaviour and Awards
At all times, the children are reminded of the rewards available to them when their behaviour is good. Children who behave well and work hard will benefit from the reward system of Class Dojo. This is used as a behaviour management technique. Those children who choose not to follow the rules will be choosing to receive the negative consequences of their actions. The sanctions are a series of graduated steps, which are outlined below. The children are always given an opportunity to make the right choices and improve their behaviour. It is hoped that the children will respond positively to this choice, but if they do not, sanctions will be put in place.
Positive praise can be awarded in many instances.
- Positive Dojos are received for good behaviours noticed in class or around school. Children can earn Dojos for multiple behaviours and attitudes, such as being on task, working hard, teamwork and helping others. If a member of staff feels a child has had a ‘Wow’ moment, five Dojos can be awarded for this exceptional behaviour. Some children may also receive a special Miss Jones’ Dojo when she witnesses good behaviour around school.
- When children reach 25 Dojos, they will receive a Silver sticker from their Key Stage leader.
-Exceptional behaviours, effort or for reaching multiples of 50 Dojos will result in the children receiving a reward from the Headteacher. The children will visit the Headteacher for a special Gold sticker.
- Children will be grouped on Dojo in their TEAMs and will earn collectively. The results of each Team will be announced during Star of the Week assemblies on Fridays.
At our school, we mainly will be celebrating our children’s behaviours, however; there are occasional times where negative behaviours are apparent. Due to this, we need to outline clear steps to how we will respond to negative behaviours. Overall, our children will be rewarded for positive behaviours but we have these steps in place for the occasional unacceptable behaviours seen from time to time. We appreciate this may seem in depth but we want to ensure steps are taken to avoid more serious incidents occurring.
Responding to Unacceptable Behaviour
When a member of school staff becomes aware of unacceptable behaviour, they should respond predictably, promptly, and assertively in accordance with the school behaviour policy. The first priority should be to ensure the safety of pupils and staff and to restore a calm environment. It is important that staff across school respond in a consistent, fair, and proportionate manner so pupils know with certainty that unacceptable behaviour will always be addressed. De-escalation techniques can be used to help prevent further behaviour issues arising and recurring and school may use pre-agreed scripts and phrases to help restore calm.
The aims of any response to unacceptable behaviour are:
• To maintain the culture of the school and to restore a calm and safe environment in which all pupils can learn and thrive.
• To prevent the recurrence of unacceptable behaviour.
Tudor Roses
Tudor Roses are rewarded to the children for good work. If a child achieves five Tudor Roses, they get to choose a book from our special Tudor Rose book selection to keep forever. Tudor Rose books are presented to the children in Friday's celebration assembly.
Team Celebration
Every week, during Friday's celebration assembly, the total Dojo points from each team in each class are added up and an overall winner is announced. Each winning house (Fryzers, Chandlers, Nailors or Hayes) collects a shield and at the end of every term, the house with the most shields wins a treat.
Star of the Week
Every week, the class teachers choose their star of the week. Each star of the week receives a certificate, which is presented to them in Friday's celebration assembly.
Prefects and Sports Council Awards
Every week, the prefects create their own certificates to present to the children in Friday's celebration assembly. They even choose a member of staff for an award too! Every half term, Sports Council give out awards too.
Merits are awarded to ten children each long term. The children receive a certificate and a badge in their house colour to wear. Merits are given to the children for many reasons and are selected by the class teachers to recognise a multitude of positivity.
At the end of each term, certain children may achieve a trophy. We select children to receive trophies for:
Million Words Club
Children in KS2 use Accelerated Reader to assess their comprehension and reading skills. As the children read more books and take more quizzes, their word total increases. Once a child has read a million words, they are awarded a certificate in Friday's celebration assembly to state they are part of the Million Words Club. We also have a display of this in the Junior corridor.