Our TEAM Mitton Curriculum
At Mitton Manor Primary School, our teaching and learning is based on a creative approach to the National curriculum. Due the changes made to the National Curriculum in 2014, we were given an opportunity to develop our own ‘TEAM MITTON Curriculum,’ where we could explore new topics and themes as well as develop previously existing areas at greater depth. TEAM MITTON curriculum draws on local influences, that develop children’s engagement and enquiry, enabling them to reach their full potential whilst preparing them for life beyond the classroom.
We have developed a thematic approach to learning, which allows for the progressive development of skills, knowledge and understanding. This encourages the transference of skills across different subjects developing greater thinking and investigative skills, social skills and creative learning. We continue to develop practices throughout the school and believe that a curriculum needs to be active and purposeful to make learning engaging for all pupils.
Our children have the opportunity to learn in many different ways. Each term, all classes learn through their class theme. These usually begin with a launch activity, which can vary from a special visitor, a whole class trip or workshop to a specially organised day of activities. This helps to immerse the pupils in their learning and encourage an excitement for what the term ahead will bring. We endeavour to provide the children with as many hands-on practical experiences as possible to ensure that learning is robust and can be applied in a range of situations, including ‘real life’. We aim to bring learning to life.
Underpinning all of the children’s learning are the ‘TEAM MITTON’ values:
T I try to be kind and caring
E I enjoy and have fun learning
A I achieve because I am ambitious
M I move forward because I work hard
M Mutual Respect – I treat others and the environment with respect
I Individual Liberty – Free to make choices
T Tolerance – I am aware of those with different beliefs
T The rule of law- I know the school rules
O One vote is not a democracy – I know my ideas are heard through pupil voice
N Network – I look to take values out and about