
Mitton Manor Primary School

Mitton Manor Primary School

Absence Procedures/Planned Absence


All the school doors open at 8.45 am until 8.55 am. This time is sufficient for all pupils to come into their classroom.


Each class teacher has the responsibility for keeping an accurate record of attendance. Any pupil who is absent must be recorded at the beginning of the morning and afternoon session. The attendance register on SIMS must be completed by the class teacher by 9.00 am and by 1.15pm.


All attendance records are documented using SIMs software, which is supported by the Local Authority. Attendance registers are legal documents and these must be kept secure and preserved for a period of three years after the date they were last used.



Once the doors are closed at 8.55am the only way to get into school is via the school office. Any pupil who comes into school this way from 8.55am will be marked as late in the attendance record. Records are kept of those pupils who are late, this is documented on the electronic register for each pupil (Attendance code L). Any child who arrives for school later than 9.20 will be marked as having an unauthorised absence for the morning. (Attendance code U).


Children who have attended a dentist or doctor’s appointment and subsequently come to school later than 9.05am will have the absence recorded as a medical absence (Attendance code M).


Children who are persistently late miss a significant amount of learning, often the most important aspect, as the beginning of the day is where the teacher explains the learning and what each child is expected to achieve.


Where there have been persistent incidents of lateness parents/carers will receive a letter advising them of the concerns and the school will provide opportunities for parents/carers to seek support and advice to address these issues.



Parents/carers should contact the school on the first day of their child’s absence. When parents/carers notify us of their child’s absence it is important that they provide us with details of the reason for their absence.


All absences are recorded as either authorised or unauthorised absences on the computer. It is important that we receive accurate information from parents with reasons for the child’s absence. This information is used to determine whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised. The Headteacher has the responsibility to determine whether absences are authorised or unauthorised.

Planned Absence

If you would like to request a planned absence for your child/ren please complete the attached form and submit it to the school office.  You will be emailed a copy of your form which will advise you whether your absence will be classed as authorised or unauthorised.  Please note family holidays will not be an authorised absence. 
