Our attendance target is 100%
Children should attend school every day that they are well enough to attend. Attendance is recorded at morning registration at 9.00 am and again at afternoon registration at 1.30pm.
Leave of absence will not be authorised in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please note that that unauthorised absence may result in a penalty notice. All requests for leave of absence must be authorised by Miss P Jones, Head Teacher.
Where possible, medical appointments should be made outside of school hours. If your child does have to attend a medical appointment during school please inform the school office in writing. The office may request to see a copy of the appointments slip or confirmation letter or text message. The office staff will make sure that your child's absence is correctly recorded in the register and that the class teacher is made aware. You may want to remind the teacher on the day of the appointment so that your child is ready to be collected at the right time.
Reporting Absence
If your child is ill, we ask that that you telephone school absence line by 8.45am on the first day of absence (01684 273451) and leave your child's name, class and reason for absence. If your child is likely to be absent from school for a longer period of time we ask that you keep us updated with the likely date of return but it is not necessary to phone each day.
Please remember that children with vomiting and/or diarrhoea should be kept off school for 48 hours after the last incidence of vomiting/diarrhoea.