
Mitton Manor Primary School

Mitton Manor Primary School

PE and Sport Premium

Use of Primary School Sports Funding at Mitton Manor Primary School:


The government has provided ring fenced funding to improve the provision of PE and sport in primary schools. The money has provided by the Departments of Health, Education and Culture, Media and Sport.


At Mitton Manor Primary School, we aim to:


  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning                                        
  • Increase opportunities for extra-curricular activities  Increase opportunities for competition
  • Improve activity levels                                        
  • Improve subject knowledge in primary PE                                            
  • Increase expectations                                         
  • Develop assessment of skills                                                                      
  • Increase children’s physical activity time      
  • Achieving the balance - participation v performance                       
  • To meet the Sports Premium criteria


How will we meet our aims?


·         Specialist coaches will be brought in for areas of the curriculum which will be identified in  consultation with parents, teachers and pupils to meet the needs the PE curriculum.

·         Resources will be purchased to help implement the new areas of the PE curriculum.

·         A specific area on the school’s website dedicated to pupil led reports about the schools sporting activities.

·         A review of the school’s vision statement to include reference to physical well-being.

·         To consult with pupils, parents and staff regarding their opinion on the direction Physical Education at Mitton Manor should take.

·         Intra school (House) competitions will be introduced across the school to increase exposure to competitive sport. Inter school opportunities will be more closely monitored.


What are our expected outcomes?


  •  Physical activity and well-being are at the heart of the school’s vision.
  • Planned investment leads to sustained improvements to the teaching of PE across the school.
  •  The development and implementation of a varied, stimulating, inclusive and highly effective PE  curriculum which responds to the wishes of all interested parties.
  • The school is well resourced to provide physical education for all pupils.
  • The pupils’ exposure to competitive sport is greatly increase
  • Everyone who is involved with the school is well informed as to the sporting progress made by the pupils.


Information regarding P.E. and School Sports Funding is found below.


At Mitton Manor we want our children to be as active as they can throughout the day to ensure that they lead an Active 30:30 lifestyle. Please find information below about why health and fitness is so important to us at Mitton Manor Primary School


Gloucestershire Healthy Schools Award

The healthy schools rating scheme has been designed to recognise and encourage schools’ contributions to pupils’ health and wellbeing. It celebrates the positive actions that schools are delivering in terms of healthy eating and physical activity, and aims to help schools identify useful next steps in their provision. This is a voluntary scheme where schools complete a self-assessment and then receive a rating based on their responses around healthy eating and physical activity. This is something that we are very passionate about at Mitton and we try to to encourage our children to stay healthy and active through many different extra activities, such as the Daily Mile, Rainbow Lunches, Fit4ten sessions run by our Sports Council, health focus weeks and investing in extra equipment for our playgrounds. We are happy to announce that due to our achievements, we have achieved the Healthy Schools award again up to 2026. Well done to all of our families, children and staff who helped us show off how much health matters to us at Mitton Manor.
